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Shop and Establishment Registration

Shop and Establishment Registration

Shop and Establishment registration is governed by State Laws and hence every state in India has some difference in their Act. Shop and Establishment Registration enable the entity to hold valid certificate for opening and conducting business in respective state.

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Shop and Establishment Registration Shop and Establishment registration is not governed by any Central Act, it is a matter of state laws and every state has its own law regulating the shop and establishment registration in its jurisdiction. Applicability of Shop and Establishment registration is on all commercial sector such as banking, insurance, trading establishments. All such establishments where individuals are employed or engaged to do office work or provide service. All hotels, eateries, and boarding house or refreshment house. All amusement or entertainment places such as theater, cinema hall, amusement parks etc. In order to regulate the opening and closing hours of shop or establishment, working conditions of labour, regulate the wage rate and adherence to minimum prescribed wages, obligation of employer and right of employees, every state has enacted and regulate the Shop and Establishment Registration. In Delhi there is mandatory requirement of register the entity whose shop and establishment fall in the jurisdiction of Delhi under the Delhi Shop & Establishment Act 1954. The prescribed time limit of registration is within 30 days of commencement of work. All the new sole proprietorship can also get themselves register under this category and it became easier for them to get a current account based upon shop & establishment registration. In Delhi Shop & Establishment registration can be done at by making online application to the Chief Inspector of Labour Department. Shop and Establishment registration being governed by respective state government, its registration and compliance also need to be adhere to State Government only. Mostly State Government has law to register under Shop and Establishment Registration for a period of five years granted upon application made and fees based upon number of employees engaged. Shop and Establishment registration act generally covers  applicability for registration of shops and establishment, manner of making application for registration, exempted institutions or exempted entities, intimation for any modification after registration, permanent closure of shop or establishment, employment of adults, hours of operation, working weekly and daily hours of employees, restriction on double employment, provision on rests and meals, prohibition on employment of children, wages for holiday, time and condition for payment of wages, provision on overtime working, deduction that can be made from wages, medical leave to employees, wages during the leave, contracting out, cleanliness, lighting and ventilation, precaution against fire, precaution against accidents, register and records to be maintained, inspection of registers, appointment of inspectors, penal provisions, cognizance of offence etc. Being a state government law, every state has its own shop and establishment governing act but broadly most of them contains above mentioned clauses for effective applicability of the act. We at ReturnFilings.Com will understand the purpose of your proposed registration under Shop & Establishment and thereafter will provide you analysis of registering in this category covering almost all scenarios to carry out your activities effectively and efficiently. We at ReturnFilings.Com also provide registration under other regulatory requirement based upon the need of such registration requirement i.e. PAN, GST, TAN, Import Export Code etc. Apart from above, even after obtaining registration under various laws, we at ReturnFilings.Com also fulfill various compliance on your behalf in order to ensure proper and smooth functioning of business and to avoid unnecessary interest or penalty for non-compliance. We at ReturnFilings.Com are determinate to provide end to end solution, our motto is you concentrate on your business while we at ReturnFilings.Com will take care of all your compliance need.