Change in Registered Address
Change in registered address can be made as per the provisions of LLP Act and after making suitable changes in LLP Agreement also. Registered address change require approval from RoC if made from one state to another.
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CA/CS Assisted | 4.8/5 Rating
Registration of a Company / LLP is done on the MCA portal . While Registration the user provide a registered address and based upon such registered address the company / LLP got incorporated. This registered address also plays crucial role in determining the stamp duty being paid to such state government wherein the proposed company / LLP got incorporated.
After incorporation there might be circumstances which require for change in registered address. These circumstances may vary from company to company, however some of the common circumstances that require change in registered address are:
- Ease of business, most business after incorporation intend to work form such place where their customers mostly resides.
- Business expansion, most business after incorporation need to expand their business and would preferable like to have their registered address in any metropolitan city such as Delhi / Mumbai / Bangalore / Chennai / Kolkata / Hyderabad etc.
- Law requirement, most business after incorporation need to comply with the state government laws also, such as labour law, office timings etc. These State Government laws vary from state to state and thus in order to minimize these state government regulations, most business prefer to move to developing states such as Himachal / Uttarakhand wherein the State Government Laws are not stringent.
- Investment opportunity, most State Government provide Capital Subsidy and Excise Duty relaxation in order to promote industry in their state, thus business majorly in manufacturing sector tend to move to such states.
- Change in Registered Address within same state
- Change in Registered Address outside the state.
- Call and Hold a Board Meeting for shifting of registered address
- Call and hold a General Meeting along with explanatory statement for change in registered office.
- Alter the Memorandum of association with the new proposed address
- Publish advertisement for change in registered address in one vernacular newspaper and on e English newspaper.
- Obtain confirmation from all creditors and debtors of the company for change in registered address.
- Affidavit verifying list of application, approval from creditors and debtors, publication in newspaper need to be attached.