Central KYC (cKYC) Registry
cKYC also known as Central KYC Registry. It is maintained by CERSAI (The Central Registry for Securitization and Asset Reconstruction and Security Interest. CKYC is governed by Prevention of money laundering Act 2002.
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a. All eligible financial institutions have to register online on ckycindia.in
b. After submission of details online, the system will generate a reference number, the same reference number shall be communicated to nodal officer through e-mail. The Financial Institution need to mention this reference number in all communications.
c. cKYC use a test based mechanism for its participating FIs. All registered FIs need to run this test based application and ensure for testing the application. Admin 1 and 2 shall receive test bases login credentials within 24 hours of user generation.
d. In the testing environment, user need to visit each and every screen page and ensure for data entry, verification of entries, uploading of documents, downloading of documents and ensure for system testing.
e. Finally Financial Institution need to send application for registration with Central KYC (cKYC) registry to CERSAI for further processing.
Central KYC (cKYC) is a one time activity for uploading of KYC documents of user, once uploaded, all participating Financial Institutions can be able to access the KYC data of the applicant. In case if there is any change in user data, the same shall be updated by the eligible financial institutions.
In case if any client has a KYC identifier and provide the same to any financial institution, then such financial institution shall verify the client record using KYC identifier and cannot ask to submit the same KYC documents again. If the client has any new KYC document or any change in existing KYC document, then the same shall be submitted and the Financial Institution shall update the records of its client KYC on cKYC Portal.
We at ReturnFilings.Com will help the Financial Institutions for Central KYC (cKYC) Registry.